Vytvoření widgetu
1) Vytvoříme statickou stránku a vložíme do ní níže uvedený kód.
2) V Rozložení stránky v BlockParser Widgets musíme jej aktivovat (zapnout).
3) Ve Správa Widgetů pak přetáhnete Widget BlockParser:Odkazy na pravou lištu a uložíme.
Počasí z wunderground.com
Opište si ID stanice nebo si vygenerujte html kód v PWS Widgets
<a href="http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=IROUCHOV3"><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/banner/ban/wxBanner?bannertype=wxstnsticker_metric&weatherstationcount=IROUCHOV3" height="160" width="160" border="0" alt="Weather Underground PWS IROUCHOV3" /></a>
Počítadlo flagcounter.com
<a href="https://info.flagcounter.com/Auqa"><img src="https://s11.flagcounter.com/count2/Auqa/bg_FFFFFF/txt_000000/border_CCCCCC/columns_2/maxflags_10/viewers_0/labels_0/pageviews_0/flags_0/percent_0/" alt="Flag Counter" border="0"></a>
RSS např. z flatpress.org
<script src="//rss.bloople.net/?url=https://www.flatpress.org/feed/rss&detail=0&showtitle=false&type=js"></script>
Obrázek z webkamery
Zopírujte si adresu obrázku z wunderground.com nebo chmi.cz
<img src="http://portal.chmi.cz/files/portal/docs/meteo/kam/thumbs/dukovany.gif" width="180"> <img src="https://icons.wunderground.com//webcamramdisk/w/u/WU_1077852/1/current.jpg" width="180">
Kurs akcie a graf
<iframe src="http://widget.penize.cz/akcie?quote=6424,6143&logo=no&thead=no" width="180" height="62" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" id="iframe_akcie" allowtransparency="true"></iframe> <img src="http://www.cez.cz/edee/content/sysutf/module/chart/ww3/hp_graf.png" width="180" height="100">
Grafy stříbra a zlata nebo kovů
https://www.kitco.com/chart-images/LFgif/AG0365nyb.gif https://www.kitconet.com/charts/xau/xau_0030.gif https://www.kitconet.com/charts/xau/xau_0365.gif
Crypto currencies Widgets
- https://www.cryptoco … C&tsym=USD&period=1D (different widgets types from charts, headers to converter, advanced chart)
- https://www.bitcoin.com/widgets (charts, news, prices, pool hashrate, forum links, news ticker, etc )
- http://www.coindesk. … price-ticker-widget/ ( mixed price and chart)
- https://www.cryptoco … n-price-news-widget/ (bitcoin price and RSS news widgets from this website) If you use this widget, your website will be listed on this page and you have a chance for extra visitors (backlink) - you need to post a comment with your website link on this page to be added to the list . Please note that you might need to wait to be added to the list or the approval may not work anymore.
- https://bitcoinaverage.com/en/widgets - needs register account (price, convertor, chart)
- https://www.cryptonator.com/widget
- https://gobitcoin.io/tools/widget/ (price and chart)
- https://btcwidget.com/ (very simple price widget)
- https://www.coingeck … /ticker/ethereum/btc (Ethereum Price Ticker Widget (ETH/BTC) also cryptocurrency price widget which includes major digital currencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Darkcoin, and more.